Fitzbillies Online Booking Tool

You can check realtime availability information and make confirmed restaurant reservations online with Onionring. Its fast, secure and free to use so why wait? Book your table at Fitzbillies now!

About Fitzbillies

Fitzbillies in Cambridge has been around since 1922 and has retained its reputation as the city's most popular bakery - especially where its Chelsea buns are concerned. The restaurant is located next door to the famous shop and serves the best in local produce with seasonal variations. The dining area is mobile-free and has been awarded the Best Fine Dining in Cambridge award by Local Secrets. The décor is understated, using ochre walls, art deco lighting and wooden floors. The menu changes regularly, but might feature dishes such as tagliatelli, beef and toasted almond, courgette and parmesan risotto. Dieters need to beware of the dessert menu, which offers tempting delights such as the forest fruits crème brulee. Three courses will cost an average of £28 per person.