Ramsay's at the Buckingham Hotel Online Booking Tool

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Right opposite the Pavilion Gardens and only a few minutes from the elegant spa town centre, stands the Buckingham Hotel, home to Ramsay's Restaurant and Ramsay's Real Ale Bar. With a delicious menu at affordable prices, Ramsay's also has a dozen award-winning wines by the glass, 7 draught lagers and up to 8 real ales. Ramsay's Restaurant in Buxton ditches pretention to offer Project:EAT, the tastiest experience in town including their own smoked products along with a full fish menu plus a brand new burger shack selection featuring a tasty Peak District water buffalo burger. At Ramsay's they combine quality ingredients with sous vide cooking techniques. Ramsay's Real Ale Bar is listed in CAMRA's 2011 Good Beer Guide and offers divine refreshment plus daily Happy Hours (5 - 8pm) too. You can choose to eat in the bar if preferred. Pets and children are welcome in the bar and Ramsay's offer pre-theatre dining from 5.30pm daily, as well as their own parking.