
Fuel Bar and Restaurant

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About Fuel Bar and Restaurant

"Fuel Bar and Restaurant is aimed at a young funky crowd who dig its cool vibe and modern Italian menu. It boasts the finest view of Covent Garden Market from its large terraces where you can also enjoy its candlelit ambience with a Cocktail Pitcher (£16.95) such as a Pimms or Long Island Iced Tea. Starters include classics such as French Onion Soup (£5.95). Then choose from Salads such as Caesar (£9.95) or Poached Salmon (£13.95); Pasta Dishes such as Penne with Tomato and Basil (£9.50) or Tagliatelle di Mare with sautéed scallops, clams and prawns (£13.95); or pizza from Margherita (£9.95) to a Pizza Figaro with pepperoni, anchovy and goats cheese (£13.95). Stick around 'til late and soak up the vibe of beautiful people and chilled out sounds. "

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